Today is February 14, 2025
The Arizona Crime Prevention Association (ACPA) was created in 1977 by crime prevention officers, civilian employees, volunteers, and members of security and loss prevention industries, dedicated to the promotion of Crime Prevention Awareness throughout the state of Arizona. 

The mission of the Arizona Crime Prevention Association is:

  • To provide a forum for the exchange, coordination, and teaching of ideas, concepts and programs pertaining to the reduction of crime. This is done by offering a variety of specialized training and education sessions, meetings, conferences and webinars for the citizen’s of Arizona as well as specialized training for law enforcement.

  • To focus attention on local, regional, state and national goals and issues relating to crime prevention. This is done through the development and delivery of specialized public programs and focused public advertisement. This includes the production and delivery of educational television commercials distributed and aired statewide as well as interviews for newspaper and radio stations on current crimes and prevention methodology.

  • To encourage extensive citizen and community involvement in the reduction of crime and criminal activity. Our organization does this through the hosting of various Citizen and Business Safety Forums in partnership with law enforcement throughout the state. These educational sessions provide an opportunity for individuals to gain knowledge about particular crime trends, programs, services and products. We also encourage involvement through hosting of important jurisdictional events to include things such as; on-site secured shredding, Child ID and Blue Line events which provide supportive, positive contact between the police and the community they serve.

  • To develop strategies which promote crime prevention planning and implementation for Arizona citizens. Currently the ACPA, Inc. has developed a state database for distribution of police information to the general public called BoloCop. Through this program, the website allows law enforcement to easily distribute police related information and crime alerts directly to focused business and community members via email, text and/or facsimile transmittal. The website is and has the ability to be implemented nationwide.